Lectures from previous years may be found on the Past Lectures page in the Archive section.

Programme of Lectures 2024

Lectures usually start at 7.45 for 8.00pm. 

Lectures are held in the in the Drawing Room, Avenue House (also known as Stephen’s House) , 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE. Buses 13, 143, 326 & 460 pass close by, and it is five to ten minutes walk from Finchley Central Station (Northern Line) where the Super Loop SL10 express bus from North Finchley to Harrow also stops.  Tea/coffee and biscuits follow the talk.

Lectures will be free for Members of the Society and the fee for visitors is £2.

Tuesday February 13th 2024

The Dorothy Newbury Memorial Lecture

Jacqui Pearce: “A Life in Sherds”

In this talk, Jacqui Pearce looks back over half a century of developments in the world of ceramic studies in London, focusing particularly on fabric identification, the medieval and later pottery type-series, studies of excavated kiln sites, archaeological biography as seen in major household clearance assemblages, clay pipe studies and the importance of professional and non-professional archaeologists working together, especially through HADAS evening classes over several years.

Tuesday March 12th 2024 

Robin Densem (HADAS): “The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest AD9: The massacre of a Roman army”

Tuesday April 9th 2024

Ian Jones (Enfield Archaeological Society): “Traders, Bargees, Ferrymen and a Seagull; Life and Work in Roman Pisa

Tuesday May 14th 2024

Owen Humphreys (Museum of London Archaeology): London’s Roman Tools

Tuesday June 11th 2024 at 7.30 pm (Please note early start time)

AGM followed by a lecture by Jacqui Pearce (Museum of London Archaeology): “Clay Pipes

Tuesday September 10th 2024

West Heath II book launch

As members will be aware the latest book published by HADAS in April 2024 was the phase II 1984 – 1986 part of the dig, an important Mesolithic site found on Hampstead Heath and excavated by this society. This talk will explain how the new book evolved, how it was assembled, designed and published. Unfortunately Myfanwy Stewart the author cannot attend so members of the ‘Fieldwork Team’ will speak on various elements including how the flints were treated to museum standards with some these on display. The book is offered free to members who will be able to collect it from the talk.

Tuesday October 8th 2024

Dr Wendy Morrison (Chilterns Heritage & Archaeology Partnership): “Beacons of the Past Hillforts Project”.

Tuesday November 13th 2024

Lecture TBA